Italfood Lebensmittelvertriebs GmbH (Direktimporteur)
Salzstr. 106-110
74076 Heilbronn
Telefon: +49 (0)7131- 79794-6
Erreichbar: Mo - Fr, 9:00 bis 19:00 Uhr
und Sa: 9:00 bis 16:00 Uhr
Telefax: +49 (0)7131- 79794-79
Ust.-ID-Nummer: DE 145774891
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Authorised representative and management: Massimiliano Montella
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Web: HEKL-Webdesign
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In the event of complaints or questions and problems, you can contact our customer service from Monday - Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
by phone: 07131 - 79794-6
But you can also reach us around the clock by e-mail:
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The content of this website, in particular all texts, images, graphics, logos, sound, video and animation files as well as their arrangements, are subject to copyright and other laws for the protection of intellectual property and may neither be changed nor copied for commercial purposes and used on other websites. Any reproduction or use, even of parts and extracts, requires our written consent. Violations will be prosecuted. Brand names are the property of the respective manufacturers or the owner of the trademark rights.
Picture credits:
Courtesy of:
Alibrianza: Apulien_Alibrianza1024_1920x1920.jpg
Berlucchi: Piemont_Franciacorta_Berlucchi1024b442L50sIMKgG_800x800.jpg
Bepindeeto: Traditionsreiche-italienische-Weine1024.jpg
Bottega: Fruchtlikoere_Bottega.png; Grappa_Bottega.png
Ca dei Frati: weisswein660_800x800.jpg
Caparzo: Toskana_Caparzo1024nXy21jQfVGCZA_800x800.jpg
Farnese: Abruzzen_Farnese1024UNwM3lK88xB3y_800x800.jpg; Basilikata_2_Farnese1024_800x800.jpg; Kampanien_Farnese1024OQOKTfSeW0Dw9_800x800.jpg
Fazi Battaglia: Marken_FaziBattaglia1024NfvllhJ7wnHEo_800x800.jpg
Felluga: Friaul_Felluga_2_1024_800x800.jpg
Firriato: Sizilien_Firriato1024U2W0FxDVpMNX5_800x800.jpg
Ferrari: Trentino_Suedtirol_Ferrari10249tfBxi73yd8ut_800x800.jpg
Ferrocinto: Kampanien_Farnese1024OQOKTfSeW0Dw9_800x800.jpg
Grosoli: EW_balsamico_konvOTbKAwbFMfMD8_800x800@2x.png Original: Balsamico-Essig-Grosoli.jpg
La Marca: Prosecco_La_Marca.png
Majonorante: Molise_Majonorante1024_800x800.jpg
Nino Negri: Lombardei_Nino_Negri1024HmToTwA6NcxVI_800x800.jpg
Nonino: Amaro_Nonino660_800x800.jpg Original: Amaro_Nonino.png
Riunite: Perlwein_Riunite.png
Santa-Maria-La-Palma: Sardinien_Santa_Maria_LaPalma1024DhQrz9E0wlsgr_800x800.jpg
Santa Margherita: Venetien_Danta_Magerita1024_800x800.jpg
Tenute Del Cerro: Umbrien_TenuteDelCerro1024C5qMPAvV6vnNR_800x800.jpg
Valter Cirillo: Emilia_Romagna_Valter Cirillo.png
further picture source
Spirits: Spirituosen1024.jpg - Original: AdobeStock_208365983.jpeg ©denio109 -
Coffee: Capuccino1024.jpg - Original: AdobeStock_143057403.jpeg ©Romolo Tavani -
hochwertige-Balsamico-Essige1024.jpg Original: AdobeStock_171925544.jpeg © barbamauro -
Olive oil: Olivenoel1024.jpeg - Original: AdobeStock_78836930.jpeg ©EcoPim-studio - Fotolia
Balsamic vinegar: Balsamico1024_800x800.jpg Original: AdobeStock_186018604.jpeg © remoarcaro -
Limoncello: limoncello_650.jg, limoncello_660.jpg; limoncello_1024.jpg Original: AdobeStock_296348790.jpg © Victoria Kondysenko -
Red wine: Rotwein-ins-Glas-eingegossen_800x800.jpg Original: Rotwein_shutterstock_1429615301,jpg ©Billion Photos
Kategorie-von-hochwertigen-Balsamico-Essige.jpg - © barbamauro –
Background- stucco.png © Bartosz Kaszubowski -
Lazio: vineyards-between-rieti-terni-lazio-600w-131319056.jpg ©Claudio Giovanni Colombo/
Sparkling wine: waiter-pouring-champagne-into-glasses-600w-734316445.jpg ©Prarinya /
Spirits: alcoholic-beverages-drips-rum-brandy-600w-1502368085.jpg ©RHJPhtotoandilustration /